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  Directory > Textile Suppliers > Silk Fabrics

  • Zhejiang Dali Garment Co., Ltd.  - producing silk garments for export.

  • http://www.daligarment.com/

  • Zhejiang Deqing Jialing Silk Co.,Ltd.  - A company which businesses include silkworm cocoon collection and baking, white steam filature, the manufacture and sales of silk quilt, silks and satins, silk spinning material and chemical fiber mat

  • http://www.jialingsilk.com

  • ZheJiang Huatai Silk Company  - Our company mainly deals with pure silk , such as top grade scarf , silk artworks,printed fabric.

  • http://www.huataisilk.com

  • Zhejiang Huzhou Rundebao Textile Co.,Ltd.  - It is the key enterprise in silk industry in Deqing county,main products:huayao, Oxford habutai, chunya habutai and taffeta, white steam filature ect...

  • http://www.rundebao.com

  • Zhejiang Huzhou Tiansheng Silk Techniques and Fincries Factory  - The company mainly produces silk pajamas , woolen blankets, flowery printed mufflers, silk bed-sheets and bedclothes etc.

  • http://www.huatiansheng.com

  • Zhejiang Jiaxing Silk Group Co.  - engages in cocoon baking, silk weaving, silk dying and printing, silk garments manufacturing.

  • http://www.chinesesilk.com

  • Zhejiang Xinchang High Fashion Silk Co., Ltd.  - A subsidiary of High Fashion Group, is specialized in producing silk satins of different specifications, such as pure Y/D silk fabrics, heavy-weight fabrics, stretch fabrics, interw

  • http://www.hf-silk.com

  • Zhenjiang Shenyin Group  - engaged in the production of overseas market oriented silk clothes.

  • http://www.godeagle.com

  • Hangzhou Ssamyu Textile Co., Ltd.  - Hangzhou Ssamyu Textile Co., Ltd. specializes in the design , production and sales of real silk fabrics, garment, scarf, textile artworks and other fiber goods. Most of our products are for export, an

  • http://www.ssamyu.com

  • LONGLEAF Textiles Industrial Co.Ltd  - LONGLEAF Textiles Industrial Co.Ltd. is a manufacturer & exporter of premium quality natural silk fabrics in natural white, plain dyed ,and prints. The company was established in 1996 , We specialize

  • http://www.longleaf.com.cn

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